Angela Z. Dailey
Executive Committee | CEO
Prior to founding DAI Partners in 1989, Angela Dailey was Senior Vice President and member of the Board of Directors of Drexel Burnham Lambert. She headed the investment bank's communications efforts for over sixteen years, with responsibility for internal and external communications, including advertising, press relations, employee communications and sales promotion.
Ms. Dailey has extensive experience in all areas of corporate communications, and a unique expertise in crisis management. As head of communications during Drexel Burnham's three year investigation by the government, she provided leadership with both the strategy and implementation of the firm's crisis management efforts. The advertising and employee communications programs were nationally recognized as innovative and effective. Ms. Dailey was selected by Business Week to conduct seminars on crisis management for its Executive Seminar Series.
Ms. Dailey currently serves on the WISE Board of Directors (Women Investing in Security and Education), an Orange County non-profit. Ms. Dailey has served as a member of the Board of Directors of The YWCA City of New York and has served on the Boards of Directors of the Financial Women's Association and The Drexel Burnham Lambert Foundation. She was elected to the YWCA's Academy of Women Achievers in l980, and has served as a director of the Academy. Ms. Dailey was the founding chairman of the Securities Industry Association's Public Information Committee. She is a graduate of Trinity College in Washington, DC.
DAI Partners is a full service communications company, specializing in developing and implementing strategic communications for financial services companies, including money management firms, private equity firms, mutual fund companies and investment banks.