Membership Benefits
WISE is a group of women very much like you. Some work full time, some part-time, some are stay-at-home moms, some are retired. WISE is dedicated to providing women with an opportunity to learn about finances in a friendly and non-intimidating environment.
Membership Opportunities
Why is membership a WISE investment? Members increase their opportunities to learn from others and help shape the direction of the organization by becoming involved. WISE Membership means enjoying the many opportunities to increase your own financial knowledge while helping others. As a member, you will receive educational financial news and articles, conference updates, and upcoming events.
We hope you will enjoy participating in the seminars, interest groups, and conference activities throughout the year with women just like you!
Optional member activities:
Serve on a committee throughout the year (i.e. conference and event activities, marketing, fundraising, special interest groups)
Attend the annual membership dinner and activities
Support WISE Choices (financial programs and activities for teens and young adults)
Would you like to serve on a committee? Please contact us.