Empowering Elders: Safeguarding Against Fraud & Financial Exploitation
Check out this video presentation from Beacon Point! Empowering Elders: Safeguarding Against Fraud & Financial Exploitation. This...

Webinar | Divorce Planning: Before, During, and After
PODCAST Recent statistics show there is one divorce in America every 36 seconds. That equates to 86 divorces per hour, 2,400 divorces...

Podcast | Why does Money interfere with Love?
Sounds intriguing? The recent podcast with WISE founder, Victoria Collins, is more so! Consuelo Mack, celebrity journalist, interviews...

Webinar | When it comes to planning for drastic life changes "Later is too Late"
Listen to the audio-only version here: “How prepared is prepared ENOUGH? We all know we should be prepared for the future— particularly...

Podcast | Managing Marriage and Divorce: Understanding the Emotional, Legal and Financial issues
In these unprecedented times, there is more stress on marriages than ever, even in happy marriages. Couples who are already unhappy may...