For most people, the start of a new year means setting goals, sharpening skills, and going out of your comfort zone–which can mean different things for different people. For a Girl Scout, whether she is a Daisy in Kindergarten or a Senior in high school, these resolutions come to life for one of the most anticipated seasons of the year: Girl Scout Cookie season. On January 12, the Girls Scout of Orange County hosted their annual Cookie Kickoff at the Staco Systems parking lot in Irvine that gathered over 800 Girl Scouts and adult volunteers, including WISE.
The Cookie Kick Off event is designed to familiarize Girl Scouts with the Cookie Program which covers the entirety of the Girl Scout cookie business from setting a troop goal to earning prizes for raising a certain amount of money through sales. While the program’s modern perks, such as social media and online payments, are relatively new, the essence of the cookie season remains the same: young girls learn how to establish people skills, goals, and financial management. The delicious cookies and extravagant prizes are merely bonuses in this ever-expanding women-led entrepreneurial program.
With WISE frequently collaborating with the Girl Scouts of Orange County, the Cookie Kickoff was the perfect crossover as both organizations are passionate about teaching young girls about finance in a fun way. From 10 AM to 2 PM, with Taylor Swift blasting on the speaker, WISE had their own booth labeled “Cookie Plan” and Girl Scouts of all levels participated in the interactive activity that involved setting a sales goal by spinning the wheel or choosing a prize to work towards such as a trip to Disneyland or a 3D Printer.
WISE’s activity served as a reminder for the girls that higher money goals meant more cookie sales as they were tasked with figuring out how many cookies they would need to sell and brainstorming strategies to reach their targets. Even the youngest Girl Scouts, who don’t have a strong comprehension of division, formed a solid plan to make their cookie-selling aspirations attainable.
Whether it’s their first or tenth season, every Girl Scout can benefit from learning valuable lessons in managing time and goals for maximum results. By the end of the event, every girl walked away with a WISE goodie bag of chocolate gold coins and a better understanding of how to achieve their dreams.
The Cookie Kickoff was a prime example that girls are always excited to learn and grow into better versions of themselves. While some may focus more on winning a Disneyland trip or getting their hands on the newest Girl Scout cookie, the skills learned from the WISE booth such as tracking purchases, networking, and keeping an eye on the prize will stay with them long after they hang up their Girl Scout sashes. Just like Thin Mints, taking control of your finances is a childhood classic that never goes out of style.