In these unprecedented times, there is more stress on marriages than ever, even in happy marriages. Couples who are already unhappy may find they need coping strategies for managing their futures, if that means staying together or breaking up. This virtual workshop is designed to help women take the next step, no matter where they are in the process of untying the knot.
With the guidance of trained professionals, WISE member, Megan Stirrat and her team explain the emotional legal, and financial, divorce in a logical, yet compassionate way.
In this Zoom presentation, Megan Stirrat's team will discuss:
Emotional Issues: - Patrice Corteau - LMFT, Divorce Coach, Child Specialist
Dealing with a hostile spouse
Helping your family cope with the stress of divorce
Managing the effects of divorce on children
Rebuilding self-esteem-recovery from grief and loss
Legal issues-presented by a divorce attorney
Lisa K. Risner, Esq. Certified Family Law Specialist
The divorce process and legal fees
Protecting yourself legally and financially
Child custody; child and spousal support
Avoiding divorce court
Mediated divorce
Short-form divorce
Financial Issues-presented by a Financial Advisor
Megan Stirrat – Certified Divorce Financial Analyst(R), CFP, CPFA
Preparing for divorce
Dividing property
The tax consequences of divorce

Listen to the Zoom Meeting:
Just in case you wanted to ask a question but didn't get a chance, you can contact the Marriage and Divorce team of experts listed below. Being that you heard only a very small portion of what you need to know if you are contemplating divorce, they would be happy to help you individually.
Did you enjoy the presentation? Feel free to let us know, and then signup become a WISE member at wiseinvestors.org We will alert you for future presentations.
Emotional Issues: - Patrice Corteau - MA, LMFT, Divorce Coach, Child Specialist, Mediator
Address: 1151 Dove St., Ste 280, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Phone: (949) 525-7375
Email: patricecourteau@yahoo.com
Legal issues-presented by a divorce attorney - Lisa K. Risner, Esq. Certified Family Law Specialist
Certified Family Law Specialist, State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization
Risner & Associates, Inc.
369 San Miguel Drive, Suite 100
Newport Beach, California 92660
Phone (949) 791-4300
Email: Lisa@risnerlaw.com
Financial Issues-presented by a Financial Advisor - Megan Stirrat - Certified Divorce Financial Analyst(R), CFP, CPFA
First Vice President -Wealth Management
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
100 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 1100
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: 949-859-2963
Email: Megan_stirrat@ml.com
Elizabeth DeSousa, CDFA, CFP
Mercer Advisors 620 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 1030 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Mobile: 949-518-6595 Elizabeth.desousa@merceradvisors.com