What you don’t know can cost you thousands!
Whether you’re already in retirement, looking to retire in the next five to 10 years, or if you have family members who are approaching retirement and need great advice, this event is for you.
Don’t miss the opportunity to hear Mary Beth Franklin, a contributing columnist at InvestmentNews, a nationally recognized expert in Social Security claiming strategies, and a frequent national public speaker.
● Gen-X and Baby Boomers—will you get the retirement income you are expecting?
● What is the optimal retirement plan to stave off a financial crisis?
● Learn how to manage retirement income in the most tax-efficient manner.
● Learn how age-related rules can affect your Social Security claiming strategies.
● What you need to know about enrolling in Medicare if you work beyond age 65.
● Learn why you can’t rely on information from your local Social Security Administration office.
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Mary Beth Franklin is one of the country’s leading experts on Social Security. In fact, she has been called the “Google of Social Security”. With more than 2,700 rules that determine benefit amounts, Social Security is complicated. Franklin understands the rules and their nuances. Through a series of free articles on this site, she explains how a thoughtful Social Security claiming strategy can enhance a retirement income plan based on age, health, marital status, and other sources of income.
As a veteran personal finance journalist and certified financial planner, Franklin can help both consumers and financial professionals determine the appropriate claiming strategy for their unique situation. For a more in-depth explanation of Social Security rules and claiming strategies, you can buy her newly revised 2023 ebook Maximizing Social Security Retirement Benefits.
In 2021, Editor and Published presented Franklin with an EPPY award, citing her “On Retirement” column as the best business blog of the year. In 2022, she won a runner-up EPPY award in the same category and also received the Investment News Trailblazer award for her contributions to the retirement income planning profession as part of its annual Women to Watch event.